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The Effects of Testosterone

The Effects of Testosterone

  Our society has a relatively well-defined set of characteristics that we tend to ascribe to masculinity. These include facial hair, muscle structure, a high libido, physical strength, and a deep voice among others. What you may not know is that each of these “manly” characteristics is largely controlled by a powerful hormone called Testosterone.  In men this hormone has a profound effect on their mind, body, drives, desires, and performance.


     While Testosterone is largely associated with manliness, testosterone is also present in the female body, although not as prevalent or as powerful.  Testosterone has its own unique effects in females as well.


     Levels of this hormone are so small that it is measured in the nanograms per deciliter.  While in the body, its effects can be powerful enough to drive both physical characteristics as well as our innate drives and desires. When our systems are functioning properly, even these tiny levels of testosterone can help drive physical performance, libido, body hair, physical strength, and metabolism. But when Testosterone levels become imbalanced or reduced, they can cause significant changes that may negatively affect our lives.

The Signs and Symptoms of Testosterone Imbalance

     As we begin to age, both men and women may feel themselves “slowing down.” This is often chalked up to just “part of getting older.”  But the underlying reason for many of these changes is a reduction in various hormones that control our bodies.


     For women, menopause is a process that begins to occur as they age beyond their childbearing years. This occurs as the levels of Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone begin to decrease within their bodies. For men, the comparable condition known as “andropause” can have profound effects on their lives, as Testosterone levels begin to decrease.  These are often seen as part of the normal process of getting older.  But these reductions in crucial hormone levels for both men and women can have profoundly negative effects on their minds and bodies.


     Aside from simply aging, there are other factors that can have a negative effect on the Testosterone levels in our bodies. The human body is like a fine-tuned machine.  Like an expensive sports car, if you don’t take care of it, you may find yourself calling a tow truck (or doctor).  Many parts of our lives have become part of the problem.  Poor diet, lack of exercise, overwork or stress, a lack of sleep, and other factors can lead to reduced Testosterone levels. This could explain why Western societies are beginning to find that the levels of Testosterone in their populations are dropping earlier and faster than they should as they age.


For men, the signs and symptoms of low Testosterone are:

  • Low sex drive 
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced lean muscle mass
  • Irritability
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
  • Depression
  • Loss of confidence or sense of self-worth
  • Increased weight and fat gain
  • Memory loss

For women, the signs and symptoms of low Testosterone are:

  • Lethargy and fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Reduced libido
  • Reduced sexual satisfaction
  • Weight gain
  • Fertility issues
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Loss of bone density

The Issues of Low Testosterone for Men

     Because so much of what we consider to be “manly” or “masculine” is directly related to Testosterone levels, low Testosterone levels in men can be especially detrimental. Some of these symptoms may go hand in hand.  When men begin to gain weight, lose their hair, lose muscle mass, lose their libido, or begin having trouble with sexual performance, it may exacerbate their loss of self-worth or even cause anxiety and depression. 


     Recent research studies have found low Testosterone levels to be far more prevalent in males than previously thought. The Hypogonadism in Men study found a prevalence of hypogonadism (gonads that are not producing the required levels of Testosterone) in 38.7% of the 2162 men studied. The Boston Area Community Health Survey estimated a prevalence of symptomatic androgen deficiency in 5.6% of the men they studied, with another study finding that only 12% of those who have the issue seek treatment.


     The last study is perhaps the most alarming finding.  Men may experience these symptoms, see them developing, yet not seek any kind of treatment. Companies like MixMyRx have now made Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) extremely easy and affordable.  But many men either do not even know there is a problem, or the “just deal with it” culture that American males have grown up with leads them to ignore the issue.


The Issues of Low Testosterone for Women


     Women can also have issues with low Testosterone levels.  But many may not even know that they even have Testosterone in their bodies.  Some women have much higher levels of Testosterone than others, which may lead to certain characteristics that they may not ascribe to Testosterone.


     Furthermore, when women begin to enter menopause, their hormones begin to fluctuate. This may prompt them to seek some form of treatment to control their symptoms. Estrogen is the hormone that is most widely ascribed to women.  Certain medications prescribed to control their Estrogen levels may also affect their Testosterone levels, causing entirely new issues.


     As with men, some women may let their Testosterone imbalances go for a very long time because they do not realize that there is an imbalance.


How to Treat Low Testosterone

     Low Testosterone levels may have been an issue that men and women just had to deal with in the past.   Today, however, there are companies like MixMyRx that make Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) fast, easy, and affordable.


     For women, MixMyRx has Testosterone Replacement Therapy that is derived from organic products.  They are available in various dosage forms such as Testosterone grapeseed drops, sublingual Testosterone (taken under the tongue), Testosterone creams, and Testosterone capsules.


     For men, MixMyRx provides Testosterone Replacement Therapy that is also derived from organic products.   They are available in a variety of dosage forms such as Testosterone gels, Testosterone troches (oral), or Testosterone capsules.


Membership Benefits with MixMyRx 

     Aging and dealing with hormone imbalances can be difficult enough to manage.  So, at MixMyRx we make the treatment aspect of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) as simple as possible. Some of the many benefits of becoming a member of MixMyRx are:


  • Up to 80% discount on some medications
  • Standardized pricing of either $19 or $29 (depending upon the medications)
  • Easy access to counseling for your prescription
  • Access to a wide variety of pet medications and veterinary prescriptions
  • Access to most common generic medications
  • Access to a team of experienced clinical physicians, with may specializing in Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • A fast, nationwide mailing service that delivers your prescriptions directly to you


     Don’t allow age or hormonal imbalances to slow you down or spoil your Golden Years. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of hormone imbalance, become a member of MixMyRx to gain access to all these benefits. Get on the path to reclaiming your life!